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SmearA PEN BY J Scott Smith Cursor trails using p5.js / processingA PEN BY Siddharth Thevaril The Last ExperienceA PEN BY Gerard Ferrandez 3D Tube ToggleA PEN BY Chris Gannon I could not stopA PEN BY Gerard Ferrandez Gravity PointsA PEN BY Akimitsu Hamamuro Tearable ClothA PEN BY dissimulate illuminatiA PEN
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CI Codeigniter Fatal error: Call to a member function userdata() on a non-object Codeigniter provides in helper to defined $CI and used in functions helper, in some versions of codeigniter it cannot load on defined function in functions helper, in older versions it we just load in variable called $CI
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I have defined variables of keycodes from laptop keyboard, copy codes and use in your code line, and defined for developer and designer to easily use who don’t want to know the keyCode. Minified variables [javascript] var escape=27,f1=112,f2=113,f3=114,f4=115,f5=116,f6=117,f7=118,f8=119,f9=120,f10=121,f11=122,f12=123,print_sc=44,insert=45,del=46,home=36,end=35,pgup=33,pgdn=34,backticks=192,key_1=49,key_2=50,key_3=51,key_4=52,key_5=53,key_6=54,key_7=55,key_8=56,key_9=57,key_0=48,minus=189,plus=187,backspace=8,tab=9,q=81,w=87,e=69,r=82,t=84,y=89,u=85,i=73,o=79,p=80,bracketleft=219,bracketright=221,backslash=220,caps=20,a=65,s=83,d=68,f=70,g=71,h=72,j=74,k=75,l=76,coln=186,quotes=222,enter=13,shift=16,z=90,x=88,c=67,v=86,b=66,n=78,m=77,comma=188,dot=190,slash=191,ctrl=17,start=91,alt=18,space=32,leftarrow=37,toparrow=38,rightarrow=39,downarrow=40,numlock=144,numpadslash=111,numasterisk=106,numminus=109,numplus=107,numdot=110,num0=96,num1=97,num2=98,num3=99,num4=100,num5=101,num6=102,num7=103,num8=104,num9=105; [/javascript] First define variables [javascript] var escape=27; var f1=112; var f2=113; var
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Its hard to test your small code or function on files, because these serve our time to open files and write code save with die or exit in the file and then go to browser for testing, or we go to online php testing tools, but online php testing tools
1. Artificial Intelligence Browserby Cuberto 2. Smart home appby Yi Li 3. Gift-Giving App Animationby Dannniel 4. Augmented Reality and Profileby Aurélien Salomon… 5. Trunow – Mobile Appby Michal Parulski… 6. Fishing appby YI Li 7. Climber club appby YI Li 8. MediQR — Profile & Historyby Jakub Skrzypkowski… 9.
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The default Laravel Application is intended to provide a great starting point for both large and small applications, and also for ecommerce development, for ecommerce development company and has become the go-to framework for people all over the world. It has robust technical capabilities, and is a leader on the
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WordPress a Content Management System (CMS). It is commonly associated with the idea of a blog service, but it is actually much more than that! This platform makes it possible to build robust and fully functional web sites, and to reach almost any level of complexity. The security of a
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When people talk about PHP, they can’t help but mention the W3Tech statistics. PHP is popular and is known to be used by 78.9% of all the websites worldwide. To this day, the use PHP tends to be slowly deteriorating when it’s compared to its 85% usage globally just 2
laravel remove public from url
This is weird thing from #laravel on fresh installation, so…
Pakistani Web Designer’s Web Designing…
Web Design Illustrations - by Design-Maker…
[php]function measure_conversation($value = null, $measurein = null, $returnin = 'px',…
28 Android IOS Mobile Application Frameworks
jQuery Mobile Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework Mobile…
20 jQuery HTML5 Video Player for Website
Video.js The Player Framework MediaElement.js - HTML5 video player Create…