Interview with Petya Ideasplayer

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8 Jul 2017 4:15 pm

Petya Ideasplayer

Hi! I’m Petya, a.k.a Ideasplayer, a graphic artist, interface designer and illustrator.
My name is Petya Plamenova but online I’m better known as Ideasplayer

Petya, a.k.a Ideasplayer, a graphic artist, interface designer and illustrator

Petya, a.k.a Ideasplayer, a graphic artist, interface designer and illustrator

How you come in painting/art field

Coming from a family of #artists and #photographers, it was no surprise that I showed an interest in art from a very early age. I’ve been drawing since I could hold a crayon. However, in my teenage years I didn’t take art seriously enough to formally study it and I went to study marketing instead. Since I graduated I’ve had several different jobs, none of them remotely linked to art. All that changed in late 2006 when I discovered Photoshop. It opened a whole new world for me and I decided to pursue a career as a digital artist.

Popular Digital ART Work

The Oak Tree by Ideasplayer

The Oak Tree by Ideasplayer

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Animals & Plants©2017 Ideasplayer

Summer-Wallpaper-v2 by Ideasplayer

Summer-Wallpaper-v2 by Ideasplayer

Customization / Wallpaper / HDTV & Widescreen©2017 Ideasplayer

Goddess of fire by Ideasplayer

Goddess of fire by Ideasplayer

Customization / Wallpaper / HDTV & Widescreen©2017 Ideasplayer

Choices by Ideasplayer

Choices by Ideasplayer

Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Fantasy©2013-2017 Ideasplayer

A Walk in the Clouds by Ideasplayer

A Walk in the Clouds by Ideasplayer

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2017 Ideasplayer

Magic Night by Ideasplayer

Magic Night by Ideasplayer

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2017 Ideasplayer

The Sound of Silence by Ideasplayer

The Sound of Silence by Ideasplayer

Digital Art / Mixed Media / Surreal©2013-2017 Ideasplayer

Dragon Tamer by Ideasplayer

Dragon Tamer by Ideasplayer

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2014-2017 Ideasplayer

Fragile by Ideasplayer

Fragile by Ideasplayer

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Conceptual©2013-2017 Ideasplayer


Do you have social profile or page?

Website –
Deviantart –
Facebook –

Which is your first art work

One of my first drawings I can remember was on the living room wall ;) However, the first artwork that I posted online was this one

Forbidden Love by Ideasplayer

Forbidden Love by Ideasplayer

First Art Forbidden Love by Ideasplayer

How much time you spend in a week

It depends there are days when I spend 10+ hours working and others that I spend 2. Usually around 4-10 hours daily.

Tools of work

Photoshop CS6 and a Wacom tablet

Do you have qualified degree in relevant field?

As I already said, no, I’ve never formally studied art. However, my mother has an art degree and my uncle is a photographer so I got a LOT of help and encouragement from them.

What you do other activities in daily life

I try to spend as much time as possible with my daughter and my husband. Also love watching documentaries and crime series on TV

Currently are you working with any company or freelancing

I only do freelance work.

A message for newer designers/artists

Practice, practice, practice. And never give up on art. It can be challenging and hard at times but if you love what you do, you will succeed.

Your inspired artists

There are way too many. Just to name a few: Yuumei, Cornacchia-art, Marcela Bolivar and many many more…

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