Interview with Female Slovenian Digital Artist – Nika Kovač

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9 Dec 2017 7:44 pm

Nika Kovač

Živjo!!!! My name is Nika Kovač

Nika Kovač

Nika Kovač

I am born in Slovenija, Kranj. On DeviantArt I am known as, “enkrat” it means “once”. I am 24 years old and I practice digital arts and photo-manipulation. I am seen by family and friends as private and shy but in art I have chance to express my heart in many lengths. I study University and live quiet life with my pet dogs, good wine, fresh cheese, and good friends!

Digital Art Work

touched by enkrat

touched by enkrat

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2017 enkrat

kdor sledi by enkrat

kdor sledi by enkrat

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2017 enkrat

a maternal death by enkrat

a maternal death by enkrat

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Emotional©2017 enkrat

archangel gabriel .. God is my strength by enkrat

archangel gabriel .. God is my strength by enkrat

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Emotional©2017 enkrat

place of worries by enkrat

place of worries by enkrat

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Emotional©2017 enkrat


Do you have social profile or page

Which is your first art work

archangel michael – Gods protector by enkrat

archangel michael - Gods protector by enkrat

Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Emotional©2017 enkrat


How much time you spend in a week

Michael was my first piece for social media. I am spiritual in nature so my angels are an extension of my faith. I am not overly religious but I do believe. Michael is like my real father, strong, intense, honorable, and faithful.

I think it’s hard to place a time on how much I dedicate to my art in general. I like to work on several pieces at once and visit each periodically to refresh my thoughts so I don’t tire over one. I think my feelings dictate my dedication to each as well. When I feel sad I work on dark pieces and when I feel happy I work on bright pieces. When I feel in the middle I work on surreal pieces, it helps me maintain my imagination.

Tools of work

Tools of the trade are Photoshop C6, my mouse, wine, music, and whatever my little head comes up with. I wish to have tablet someday but they are too expensive so me and my mouse make due lol.

Do you have qualified degree in relevant field?

My studies are in history (masters) and I do not have degree in the arts. I am self-taught learning from others techniques that are valuable to me. I am technical and fast learner so Photoshop came natural to me. In fact I have always struggled with adding color to my traditional pencil and paper drawings until Photoshop came along and rescued me from my black and white world.

What you do other activities in daily life

I am fitness nut so swimming at sea side, running, hiking, walking in the mountains is free and living. And dance! I love dance! I have my dogs who are always ready to go with me where ever I go. When I seek inspiration I visit museums and library but mostly I people watch in Tivoli City Park, people are clever so I see things.

Currently are you working with any company or freelancing

I do not work with company or employed through art. My art is my hobby, it is simple, and I feel if it were something other than that then my mind would not be able to wonder the way it does. I cannot be pressured to produce art when it has no inspiration, it would just become another object. So simple is good yes.

A message for newer designers/artists

I love to give advice to people who wish to hear but lately others seem to have stopped listening. I listen carefully to others, good or bad, it is all a learning experience to feel and interpret. I am 24 so my life experiences are not aged but if I were to share what I have learned then it would be this….. To be an artist you need nothing more than self-appreciation and inspiration. Your art must remain as intense as when you first discovered it. Create with compassion, love, pain, spirituality, and anything thing else that includes self-worth. “Do not create for the sake of, create for the reward!” Nika Kovač

I am Nika Kovač, thank you so much for visit and listening!

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