30 Premium Admin Panels – Dashboard p-1

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6 Nov 2018 12:21 am

StartNG – Angular 6 Admin Template with Bootstrap 4Angular 5 Admin Template with Bootstrap…

StartNG - Angular 6 Admin Template with Bootstrap 4

StartNG is a powerful and creative front-end admin template based on Angular 6 and popular Bootstrap 4 framework. Using such a great tools like Angular-Cli, it’s really easy to maintain. The template is fully responsive and clean on every device and on every modern browser. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this template into real web application.

APEZ – Responsive Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template + Admin TemplateResponsive Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template…

APEZ - Responsive Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template + Admin Template

Apez is a powerful Responsive all-purpose HTML5 & CSS3 template and admin dashboard template. It has 250+ pages, 1000+ Components. It is 100% responsive and looks stunning on all types of screens like mobile, tablet and Desktop. You can use Apez as a better way to present and promote your business. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of Web applications like custom admin panel, app backend, CMS or CRM. Apez supports bootstrap 4.x framework and intergrated font awesome icon set so easy to customise and develop your own styles. Apez is a retina ready. Easily customisable, 24/7 support time.

Fuse – React Redux Material Design Admin TemplateReact Redux Material Design…

Fuse - React Redux Material Design Admin Template

Fuse React admin template uses Material UI as a primary UI library while using Redux for the state management. It has built-in page templates, routing and auth features. It also includes 5 example apps, 20+ pages, lots of reusable react components and more.

EasyDev — Developer Friendly React Redux BS4 Admin Template + Seed ProjectDeveloper Friendly React Redux BS4…

EasyDev — Developer Friendly React Redux BS4 Admin Template + Seed Project

EasyDev is a modern dashboard template based on React Components and Bootstrap 4 Framework. We’ve used modern technologies and best practices that’s why you can easily work with our product. It’s the most convenient template for developers, because of React Components, clean code and detailed documentation, which allows you to build any projects easily! Use it for e-commerce, analytics, sports and other types of web or mobile applications.

Bracket Plus Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard TemplateBracket Plus Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin…

Bracket Plus Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

Bracket Plus, a premium dashboard and app template using some part of a material design with flat design and a little bit of gradient design. It is fully responsive built with Bootstrap 4 using SASS preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plugins. It includes a huge collection of reusable UI components using a very reusable style classes that increases the speed of page time load. It can be used for most type of dashboard templates nowadays like analytics, product management, content management, etc. for your desktop and mobile applications. Amazing flexibility and reusability. See the demo.

Flat Able – Bootstrap 4 Admin Template v2.0FLAT USER INTERFACE BOOTSTRAP 4 ADMIN…

Flat Able - Bootstrap 4 Admin Template v2.0

Flat Able is the first released flat UI design admin template which made using Bootstrap 4 design framework.Most productive feature rich dashboard template ever made in Bootstrap 4.
We are soon realease Angular 4 version. Happy to purchase and use it !!!

Turbo Material Admin Dashboard – Bootstrap Admin Template
Turbo Bootstrap Admin Template…

Turbo Material Admin Dashboard - Bootstrap Admin Template

Turbo Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery.

It is a fully responsive bootstrap admin template / bootstrap admin dashboard template that comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components & plugins. Turbo admin dashboard works seamlessly on all major web browsers and devices. This is one of the best bootstrap admin templates available on Themeforest

Fortress – React Admin TemplateReact Admin Template…

Fortress - React Admin Template

Fortress – React Admin Template is a responsive and multipurpose admin powered with React, Redux and Material-UI frameworks.

Gogo – React Bootstrap 4 Admin Saas TemplateMAGIC IS IN

Gogo - React Bootstrap 4 Admin Saas Template

Gogo is a combination of good design, quality code and attention for details. We used same design language for components, layouts, apps and other parts of the theme.

Cannavaro – Notepad Memo Admin Dashboard TemplateNotepad Memo Admin Dashboard Template…

Cannavaro - Notepad Memo Admin Dashboard Template

Make a different dashboard design with this Cannavaro notepad memo concepts to looks completely new in dashboard panel by provide optimal viewing experience across of all of devices. All the features can support with Bootstrapping.

UniverseAdmin – Powerful & Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard TemplatePowerful & Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin…

UniverseAdmin - Powerful & Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

ootstrap 4 Admin Template + Light & Dark Sidebar, Landing Page, 6 Demo Variations, 5 Dashboard Variations, 100+ Integrated Plugins, 600+ Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, 500+ UI Components & much more…

Angular 6 Admin Template with Material DesignAdmin Template with Material Design…

Angular 6 Admin Template with Material Design

Gene is a powerful admin template based on material design, built with Angular2 and Angular-CLI. It comes with pre-integrated features required for your angular2 app. It is developed with an approach to provide the developers and hassle free development experience. Whatever you need for your project backend is already integrated on Gene like text editors, charts, maps, email pages and lots of other features.

Electric – Admin Panel Dashboard Angular JS TemplateAdmin Panel Dashboard Angular JS Template…

Electric - Admin Panel Dashboard Angular JS Template

Exhibiting a cool and engaging layout, Electric Admin is an extraordinarily complete Angular JS template for an easier and more comprehensive backend & frontend management of a single or multiple projects. Its all-purpose framework is replete with active and energetic features, including 4+ dashboard styles, 60+ fully developed pages, 20+ functional widgets, and complete and customizable systems for the management of author profiles and emails. Various Live Stats Updates systems keep you updated all the time about total balance, new orders, sales, views, user activities, social visitor, revenue by browser, and server loads. It also offers Live Chat facility, and lots of other features that you can see on the live demo.

Monster – Most Complete Bootstrap 4 Admin TemplateMost Complete Bootstrap 4 Admin Template…

Monster - Most Complete Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Monster Admin is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control admin panels. Monster is fully responsive HTML template, based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 4 Beta. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications. Monster Admin is based on a modular design, which allows it to be easily customised and built upon.

Intuitive – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard TemplateIntuitive -Admin Dashboard Template…

Intuitive - Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Intuitive – is a powerful admin dashboard template. This template is absolutely LessCss supported and structured. All ui components are grouped in separate files. That means that you can easily find and edit, remove or include components that included in.

Ample Admin – Ultimate Dashboard TemplateMost Advanced Dashboard Kit of All…

Ample Admin - Ultimate Dashboard Template

Ample Admin is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control panels. It is a responsive HTML template that is based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 3.3.7 It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications. Ample Admin is based on a modular design, which allows it to be easily customised and built upon. This documentation will guide you through installing the template and exploring the various components that are bundled with the template.

MatMix – Components Mix Bootstrap Admin TemplateA Components Mix Bootstrap 3 Admin…

MatMix - Components Mix Bootstrap Admin Template

MatMix is a powerful and clean admin panel template for web entrepreneurs, app developers and site owners as this can be used for the admin part of any WEB ADMIN, CMS, CRM, ERP, WEB APPLICATION, APPLICATION SOFTWARE, ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE, SCHOOL MANAGEMENT, PAYROLL MANAGEMENT, POINT OF SALE any web based software’s admin panels. It is very easy to use and extremely easy to integrate.

FixedPlus – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4.0 Admin TemplatesMultipurpose Bootstrap 4.0 Admin Templates…

FixedPlus - Multipurpose Bootstrap 4.0 Admin Templates

Our Bootstrap 4 Admin is the fastest way to build modern admin site or dashboard for any browser or device. Fixed Admin Bootstrap 4 Admin Template is constantly developed and maintained by our team. The proof of this is fact that we release minimum 1 updates per month.

RedStar Hospital – Bootstrap 4 Material Admin Dashboard TemplateREDSTAR HOSPITAL Bootstrap 4 Material Admin…

RedStar Hospital - Bootstrap 4 Material Admin Dashboard Template

RedStar Hospital is a Bootstrap 4 Material Design admin template for Hospital, Health Clinics, Doctors and medical fields. It is helpful for admin staff of hospital for manage Doctors, Appointments, Bad Allocation, Payment tracking, Cost & Profit analysis, and many more.

Cubic Admin – Dashboard + UI Kit Framework with Frontend TemplatesMost Advanced Dashboard Kit…

Cubic Admin - Dashboard + UI Kit Framework with Frontend Templates

Cubic Admin is powerful admin dashboard template. It is a responsive HTML template, based on the CSS framework Bootstrap. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications.

SugarRush – Bootstrap 3 Responsive Admin TemplateBootstrap 3 Responsive Admin Template…

SugarRush - Bootstrap 3 Responsive Admin Template

SugarRush is an admin template built with HTML5, LESS, Bootstrap 3 and jQuery. It’s clean design and 100% responsiveness makes it ideal for those managing their sites from their mobile phones or tablets.

AdminCC – Bootstrap 4x Material Design Admin TemplateAdminCC-4x Dashboard UI Kit….

AdminCC - Bootstrap 4x Material Design Admin Template

dminCC is premium admin dashboard powered with AngularJS. It’s builded on popular Twitter Bootstrap 4x framework. AdminCC is fully based on HTML5 + CSS3 standards. Is fully responsive and clean on every device and every browser.

Oscar – HTML Bootstrap 4 Admin TemplateOscar is Bootstrap 4 Beta Ready…

Oscar - HTML Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Oscar Admin is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control admin panels. Oscar is a fully responsive HTML template, based on the CSS framework Bootstrap. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications. Oscar Admin is based on a modular design, which allows it to be easily customised and built upon.

Eract – ReactJS Bootstrap 4 Admin TemplateEract – ReactJS Admin Template…

Eract - ReactJS Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Eract is react bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template based on ReactJS and facebook official create-react-app cli and webpack. With built-in support for SASS preprocessor and other css preprocessor can be added via docs. It doesn’t use any redux or flux implementation so that it’s easy to beginners to roll out of your choice.

Mash Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template + Angular 4 & 5 VersionMash Able + Your Project =…

Mash Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template + Angular 4 & 5 Version

Mash Able Ultimate Choice for Multipurpose Bootstrap Admin Template With 25+ Creative Layouts, More than 2,00 Pages, 80+ Useful Plugins & 1,000+ UI Components. HTML + Angular 4 Version

Swift Hospital – Bootstrap 4x Admin Template for Doctors & HospitalsSwift v1.2 Hospital Admin Dashboard…

Swift Hospital - Bootstrap 4x Admin Template for Doctors & Hospitals

Swift Hospital Admin includes many plugins implemented in 50+ separate HTML files. It is designed to be a complete admin panel for any web project with modern browser and different devices compatibility.

Elisyam – Web App & Admin Dashboard TemplateElisyam – Admin Dashboard Template…

Elisyam - Web App & Admin Dashboard Template

Elisyam is the complete package that was built to help you create a custom and unique user interface for your project. With Elisyam you’re not limited to creating a single page for your admin panel. You’ll have over many pre-built page templates to choose from, covering many popular scenarios and content types. Like the main admin demos, all the page templates are highly customizable.

Smart – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template for University, School & CollegesSMART UNIVERSITY Bootstrap 4 Material Admin…

Smart - Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template for University, School & Colleges

Smart is a Bootstrap 4 Material Design admin template for University, School, College and all types of education fields. It is helpful for admin staff for manage Professors, Students, Staff Members, Library, Course, Department, Holiday, Events, Financial activity and many more.

SmartHR – Bootstrap Admin Panel TemplateSmartHR – Bootstrap Admin Template…

SmartHR - Bootstrap Admin Panel Template

SmartHR is a simple, intelligent, and user-friendly solution that offers many kinds of technology modules to help in automating your human resource practices. The feature-rich Web App Theme is designed to manage Employee management(Attendance, Holiday, Leave), Project management, Task management, Assets management, Leads management, Clients management, Account management, Payroll management(salary with Payslip), Report system, Tickets system, Invoice and Estimate management and Events management of all departments in an organization.

Adminpage – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template DashboardAdminpage – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template…

Adminpage - Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Dashboard

Adminpage is a bootstrap admin template which will make your online admin dashboard area look more beautiful and easier.This bootstrap admin template more effective for any kinds of your business website admin panel.This multipurpose admin html template has light versions, 03 layout types, landing included, eCommerce version, 39+ integrated plugins, 140+ pages, 3500+ font icons, material version (coming soon), 600+ UI features, mobile ready and email templates. This bootstrap admin panel template can be used for any type of web applications like backend websites, frontend websites, CMS, CRM or even a portfolio, blog, business website, project management, eCommerce backends, analytics, fitness or any custom admin panels.

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