PHP add subdomain in url

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31 Mar 2019 2:50 am

I’ve wrote add_subdomain_in_url function and it will help you in easily add sub domain in url by passing in parameters and look output result.

function add_subdomain_in_url($url,$subdomain){
	$www_pos = strpos($url,'www.');
	$non_www_pos = strpos($url,'://');
		return substr($url,0, $www_pos+4).$subdomain.'.'.substr($url,$www_pos+4);
	} else if($non_www_pos!==false){
		return substr($url,0, $non_www_pos+3).$subdomain.'.'.substr($url,$non_www_pos+3);
	} else {
		return $subdomain.'.'.$url;
echo add_subdomain_in_url('','services').'/';

echo add_subdomain_in_url('','services').'/';

echo add_subdomain_in_url('','services').'/';

echo add_subdomain_in_url('','services').'/';

echo add_subdomain_in_url('','services').'/';

echo add_subdomain_in_url('','services').'/';

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