Interview with Digital Artist Elena Dudina

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15 Feb 2017 2:12 am

My name is Elena Dudina

Interview with Digital Artist Elena Dudina

I was born in #Russia. My father was a military man, a fighter pilot. So, as you might understand, we moved a lot. I spent my childhood and youth from one location to another. From Estonia to Latvia, even from the Arctic to Ukraine and seven years in Siberia. Living in Madrid (Spain) since 2002. My husband is Spanish and I love this country too.


I’m always and only Elena Dudina

–How you come in painting/art field

I have always created. I have drawn and painted since I was a very young child. I had that gift. When I was about 10 years old, I had drawn a horse scene, covering the fence of my grandmother’s house. People loved it. I started to study fine arts when I was 16. My mother became seriously ill, and I had to leave to take care of her. With the new century, I began sculpting too. Finally, nine years ago, I discovered Photo-Manipulation. Since then, I am exclusively dedicated to this field. I feel it is the summary of all the things I had done before.

–Do you have social profile or page?

–Some Digital ART and Photomanipulation ART Work

Little house by ElenaDudina

Little house by ElenaDudina

Little house by ElenaDudina

Icy stare by ElenaDudina

Icy stare by ElenaDudina

Icy stare by ElenaDudina

Quien me llama ? by ElenaDudina

Quien me llama ? by ElenaDudina

Quien me llama ? by ElenaDudina

Magic potion by ElenaDudina

Magic potion by ElenaDudina

Magic potion by ElenaDudina

Foggy forest by ElenaDudina

Foggy forest by ElenaDudina

Foggy forest by ElenaDudina

Tengo tiempo by ElenaDudina

Tengo tiempo by ElenaDudina

Tengo tiempo by ElenaDudina

Polar express by ElenaDudina

Polar express by ElenaDudina

Polar express by ElenaDudina

–Which is your first art work

I do not have a first job properly said. I started from scratch, reading and imitating tutorials. Very crudely making my own compositions. No that I can consider my first job. My first recognition was to get my first Daily Deviant.

–How much time you spend in a week

I invest, at least one hour a day collecting Stocks. It is the origin, and often, the inspiration for my work. On creative work, when I’m inspired and/or when I have comissions I usually work for 3 or 4 hours in the afternoon and, if not too tired, another 2 hours late at night. And so for 4 or 5 days. Add 1 hour on feedback with clients, mails, answer questions, tips etc. of my supporters , my Socials etc.

–Tools of work

Photoshop CS3 and Wacom Intuos4 Tablet.

–Do you have qualified degree in relevant field?

Short course name write name of institute or university. I started studying Fine Arts but my mother fell ill and had to leave to help my parents and my little brother. I could only complete one year. I started self teaching Photomanipulation. When I know Photoshop Tools and had some skills I went 2 curses with a personal tutor (about 1500 hours).

–What you do other activities in daily life

Family life, housewife issues. I like two read, specially mystery novels. I spend 2 or 3 hours
each night (late) reading. I watch TV too, especially documentaries on research and crime and series (Game of Thrones, Walking dead, Wayward pines).

–Currently are you working with any company or freelancing

I worked for 3 year with Bally Technologies, Inc., developing image for Slot Gaming Machines. I combined with my work as freelancer. For now, I’m a freelancer.

–A message for newer designers/artists

Practice a lot, repeat a lot, study hard. Do not be disappointed. Do not sink or leave. Create your own style.Try to be yourself. Imitating is not bad when you start but develop your own style. When you know the tools and have some skills, If you can afford it, look for a good individual tutor.

–Your inspired artists

My favorite artists are Daly and Hieronymus Bosch.

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