Interview with Photomanipulation artist Gio Karlo U. Birondo

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27 Jun 2016 3:17 am

My name is Gio Karlo U. Birondo

I am an incoming 4th year student that studies Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Specialized in Multimedia Systems. I have a passion for #photomanipulation, in love with creepy things and gore movies.

Gio Karlo U. Birondo

Gio Karlo U. Birondo

How you come in digital art field

When I was in high school, I was always fascinated with art. I used to do drawing, painting and sketching. When I reached senior year (in high school), I did a little research about #photomanipulation and studied some tutorials which helped me with the commands and shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop. So I was basically interested in art and graphic designing and enrolled myself in the course I’m currently at. When we got into a point where we discussed all about art stuff in our college life, I was dedicated then with #photoshop. Everyday, I try to make art (even if some of them were a little crappy and rushed).

Some of Digital Manipulation work of Gio Karlo U. Birondo

Escape from Reality by brillgk

Escape from Reality by brillgk

Escape from Reality by brillgk

Forbidden Eternity by brillgk

Forbidden Eternity by brillgk

Forbidden Eternity by brillgk

The Keeper by brillgk

The Keeper by brillgk

The Keeper by brillgk

Hiluna by brillgk

Hiluna by brillgk

Hiluna by brillgk

Behind the Closet by brillgk

Behind the Closet by brillgk

Behind the Closet by brillgk

Your workstation

I don’t really have a workstation, just my laptop, my phone and a headset

I dont really have a workstation, just my laptop, my phone and a headset

I dont really have a workstation, just my laptop, my phone and a headset

Do you have social profile or page?

Write links, Facebook Page or Profile, Google Plus Page or profile, Twitter profile and Personal Website.

Which is your first art work

My first art work was an assignment we had. We were asked to make a digital artwork with a proper lighting and shadow under water. So this was my entry.

first art work underwater by brillgk

first art work underwater by brillgk

How much time you spend in a week

It depends upon the amount of satisfaction I want my work. If I’m satisfied with the outcome of this kind of work, it will take only 2 days or sometimes 4-5 hours. However, if I’m still not satisfied, it would take a week, sometimes will leave it unfinished.

Tools of work

I used Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Do you have qualified degree in relevant field?

I’m still studying with an IT course specialized in Multimedia systems.

What you do other activities in daily life

Writing stories and reading books are my main hobbies.

Currently are you working with any company or freelancing

I’m still studying.

A message for newer digital artists

I think #photomanipulation is a complex thing. However, if you’re engaged and dedicated with your chosen art style, you’ll definitely master it.

Your inspired artists

My works are inspired by digital artists out there specially Marcela Bolivar, Carlos Quevedo, Wesley Souza and many more.

PS. Thank you so much for this interview. Hope to inspire a lot of artists out there.


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