Not enough arguments for the on clause laravel

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4 Jan 2017 1:07 am

Mostly this error appear or something went wrong error showing when you are using join on #queries with join ON and multiple AND WHERE

This happens to me in #laravel 5.2 version, Following code is showing error

$SD_TBL2 = 'SD_TBL2';
$the_second_id = 5;
	->rightJoin($SD_TBL2,function($RELTBLJOIN) use($SD_TBL2, $SDTBL,$the_second_id) {

So I figure out just add ‘=’ in 2nd parameter of $RELTBLJOIN->where method

	$RELTBLJOIN->where($SD_TBL2.'.status','1'); //BEFORE 
	$RELTBLJOIN->where($SD_TBL2.'.status','=','1'); //SOLUTION

This is complete code of fixed

$SD_TBL2 = 'SD_TBL2';
$the_second_id = 5;
	->rightJoin($SD_TBL2,function($RELTBLJOIN) use($SD_TBL2, $SDTBL,$the_second_id) {

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