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251 searched posts found
I was designed these logos in 2009, these logos I wasn’t used anywhere, here is I submit these logos with PSD files, you can download and use them for your commercial or private work, and please you must read the before using them. Logo-1 Logo-2 Logo-3 Logo-4 Logo-5 Logo-6 Logo-7 Logo-8
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Its hard for peoples who don’t know more about programming how they call a wp_nav_menu_walker to manipulation wp_nav_menu data, here is I am telling you easy way to add your custom class in wp_nav_menu’s link. Go to Media from WP-Admin, At the top of page you will see screen options
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We have need the alerts popup to show user friendly alerts and message popup instead a annoying browser alert(‘hhah’); because somehow this javascript alert annoying user and and won’t allow to do anything like go to another tab or scroll down of page until user click on OK or cancel
We always avoid to use in-line #css in elements and now also avoid to use in-line #javascript events like onclick=”window.location=’’;” on elements, and you most need to make element, div redirectable, and maybe we cannot add all of elements in under of #anchor #tag example [html] <a href="redirect to url">
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in #MySQL cannot do it with any compression operator to check case sensitive value in column, so first convert your value into hash and compare with column value see code example how to do it. Here is example of table case_sensitive_col_id case_sensitive_col_val 1 2 3 Using SHA1
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users can easily access or hacker’s programmed bots will send login request to your page, but #wordpress have a good security with admin login panel, I have a wrote little code using #wordpress #hooks to prevent from other all users from your site wordpress wp admin login page. Prevent
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I have defined variables of keycodes from laptop keyboard, copy codes and use in your code line, and defined for developer and designer to easily use who don’t want to know the keyCode. Minified variables [javascript] var escape=27,f1=112,f2=113,f3=114,f4=115,f5=116,f6=117,f7=118,f8=119,f9=120,f10=121,f11=122,f12=123,print_sc=44,insert=45,del=46,home=36,end=35,pgup=33,pgdn=34,backticks=192,key_1=49,key_2=50,key_3=51,key_4=52,key_5=53,key_6=54,key_7=55,key_8=56,key_9=57,key_0=48,minus=189,plus=187,backspace=8,tab=9,q=81,w=87,e=69,r=82,t=84,y=89,u=85,i=73,o=79,p=80,bracketleft=219,bracketright=221,backslash=220,caps=20,a=65,s=83,d=68,f=70,g=71,h=72,j=74,k=75,l=76,coln=186,quotes=222,enter=13,shift=16,z=90,x=88,c=67,v=86,b=66,n=78,m=77,comma=188,dot=190,slash=191,ctrl=17,start=91,alt=18,space=32,leftarrow=37,toparrow=38,rightarrow=39,downarrow=40,numlock=144,numpadslash=111,numasterisk=106,numminus=109,numplus=107,numdot=110,num0=96,num1=97,num2=98,num3=99,num4=100,num5=101,num6=102,num7=103,num8=104,num9=105; [/javascript] First define variables [javascript] var escape=27; var f1=112; var f2=113; var
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Define array to for shuffle keys [php]$numbers = array( ‘one’ => ‘one_1′ ,’two’ => ‘two_2′ ,’three’ => ‘three_3′ ,’four’ => ‘four_4′ ,’five’ => ‘five_5′ ,’six’ => ‘six_6′ ,’seven’ => ‘seven_7′ ,’eight’ => ‘eight_8′ ,’nine’ => ‘nine_9′ ,’ten’ => ‘ten_10’ ); [/php] Define array indexes to get random keys in while
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[php] $numbers = array( ‘one’ => ‘one’ ,’two’ => ‘two’ ,’three’ => ‘three’ ,’four’ => ‘four’ ,’five’ => ‘five’ ,’six’ => ‘six’ ,’seven’ => ‘seven’ ,’eight’ => ‘eight’ ,’nine’ => ‘nine’ ,’ten’ => ‘ten’ ); foreach($numbers as $num_key=>$num_val){ $array_keys[$num_key] =$num_key; } //RESULT Array ( [one] => one [two] => two
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Its hard to test your small code or function on files, because these serve our time to open files and write code save with die or exit in the file and then go to browser for testing, or we go to online php testing tools, but online php testing tools
laravel remove public from url
This is weird thing from #laravel on fresh installation, so…
Pakistani Web Designer’s Web Designing…
Web Design Illustrations - by Design-Maker…
[php]function measure_conversation($value = null, $measurein = null, $returnin = 'px',…
28 Android IOS Mobile Application Frameworks
jQuery Mobile Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework Mobile…
20 jQuery HTML5 Video Player for Website
Video.js The Player Framework MediaElement.js - HTML5 video player Create…