26 posts found
Mostly the largest social networks like #facebook , #twitter , #soundcloud and other application are using #hashtag functionality to sort their data and live-feed or content. So I have wrote this tutorial to convert # from content and convert into a #hashtag 1. Define function named sdtutshashtag with a single parameter $post_content In $post_content
In my office where i do job, i am working on various organization’s projects developed in wordpress and using many of plugins to complete projects sometimes i am think that i will wrote a article about plugins to users can use them on their wordpress site, to save their times
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Get last day of month with php date. [php] echo date(‘t’,strtotime(’25-02-2016′)); //its return 29 echo date(‘t’,strtotime(’25-02-2015′)); //its return 28 echo date(‘t’,strtotime(’11-10-2015′)); //its return 30 [/php] Get Frist day of month. [php] echo date(‘D’,strtotime(’01-11-2013′)); //its return 01 [/php
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The wordpress user’s password hashing is very strong you cannot manually match the entered password with stored in db password because every single time wordpress generate password with random characters, so here is a function to match the wordpress user login password for login functionality or change password functionality in your
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This function get_metadata is useful when needs to get alot of post_meta of post or page. Because if get post meta one by one from get_postmeta function then get_postmeta will consume too much time. [php] $post_id = get_the_ID(); $all_post_meta = get_metadata( ‘post’, $post_id, ”, true); [/php
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Its always needs developers to break the special characters from user data like name or url slug or another things, so some times users wants add user name with special characters, but we don’t allow them to add special characters in their name, so here code you can use it
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we have need a Ajax url in wordpress that not available already available in our theme pages, so we add it through a WordPress Hook API, so lets add this code on your theme functions.php file. Important: you must call wordpress function [php]<?php wp_head(); ?> [/php] in your header.php file or
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A-jQuery-and-WordPress-image-gallery Includes slideshow, transition effects, multiple album options, CSS skinning and much more AnythingSlider Lots of people have worked on AnythingSlider and there is a lot more to it than you can see here (themes, effects, options, etc). Go snag the code from GitHub to see the full monty. Awkward-Showcase-A-jQuery-Plugin
Laravel Php Framework PHP Zend Framework CakePHP- the rapid development php framework. CodeIgniter – Open source PHP web application framework PHP PHALCON Symfony PHP Framework FuelPHP Kohana PHP Framework PHPixie PHP Framework PHPDevShell PHP Framework and UI Openbiz Framework Developer Lithium PHP framework Qcodo PHP Framework TYPO3 Flow Enterprise PHP
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While in custom theme development we need to highlight the post article author comment in comments, I have two technique to highlight the author comment area first method is best for css and designing purpose, but we want to make different html of comment area or do more code we need
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laravel remove public from url
This is weird thing from #laravel on fresh installation, so…
Pakistani Web Designer’s Web Designing…
Web Design Illustrations - IdealHut.com by Design-Maker…
[php]function measure_conversation($value = null, $measurein = null, $returnin = 'px',…
28 Android IOS Mobile Application Frameworks
jQuery Mobile Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework Mobile…
20 jQuery HTML5 Video Player for Website
Video.js The Player Framework MediaElement.js - HTML5 video player Create…