

26 posts found

29 Dec 2017
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This function I was made specially for my theme which is running in this blog. I made function because Gravatar generate random images on each user’s avatar if user not uploaded real image, this function will not work no localhost so please use domain path eg: domain.com/wp-content/themes/mytheme/images/DefaultAvatar.jpg

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29 Nov 2017
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In Current 4.9 or preview versions we cannot get the_excerpt or get_the_excerpt by post ID so here is a little bit hack code to get excerpt paragraph of post by postID with alternate code

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21 Jun 2017
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Laravel custom columns login authentication

Laravel provide a great solution for login authentication, in sometimes we have typically a database table with custom table name  eg: student, customer, employee, and custom login columns eg:student_id, customer_id, employee_id but the default in Laravel authentication only use id, login and password columns. To get install laravel from composer

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7 Jun 2017

This is weird thing from #laravel on fresh installation, so everyone wants to remove public from url, there are two different methods. 1. Method is remove public from url in #.htaccess Create .htaccess file on main directory of laravel and put the following code 2. Method is remove public url

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27 May 2017
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Undefined index error occurred when you are using custom login with custom columns default #laravel use password column eg: you have defined column just like entity_password  in database and you have passed in $credential array for auth()->guard(); This is wrong for login auth Just you have to change key from entity_password

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23 Dec 2016
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how to get category from url in wordpress

I was development a section a in my #wordpress theme I need the current category from url, here is I figure out how to get category from url

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16 Nov 2016
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The #wordpress concatenating […] in #the_excerpt and sometimes with [&hellip]; I here function defined as trim_excerpt and it passed in add_filter you can copy and put the following code in functions.php file of your current active theme. little bit information about add_filter function #add_filter can change modify of the data, you can customize everything which is

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14 Oct 2016
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the_category(); function is not allowing to direct change tags and attributes, get_the_category(); function return categories of posts in array so we can modify with custom html tags and attributes check out the below example code, its used in under loop of  #the_loop

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26 Sep 2016
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#wordpress is show too much text the the_excerpt, so we need to customize it for showing shorted excerpt paragraph. copy this code and paste into your current active theme’s functions.php file set different post excerpt length for mobile devices wp_is_mobile is builtin function of #wordpress which return true when it

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