31 Jan 2017
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maximum execution error occurred most in longest executions in #php and #laravel is also written in #php. so if this maximum execution error occurred in #laravel framework and you just want increase seconds of max execution so put this code after <?php in laravel controller file see example code

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26 Jan 2017
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php add prefix in largest number

This function can show shorten number from larger numbers or count. #Facebook, #twitter and more other social networks are using this method to show the followers count. Example a person or celebrity having 95,477,084 followers so through this method it will convert largest number into a small number with sign

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4 Jan 2017
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Not enough arguments for the on clause laravel

Mostly this error appear or something went wrong error showing when you are using join on #queries with join ON and multiple AND WHERE This happens to me in #laravel 5.2 version, Following code is showing error So I figure out just add ‘=’ in 2nd parameter of $RELTBLJOIN->where method

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1 Jan 2017
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Art of 1st DecemberSaif Samejo by ZeeshanHaidry Art of 2nd DecemberDuality by Helga-Helleborus Art of 3rd DecemberRed Sushi by kumpan Art of 4th DecemberThrough the Sandstorm by snouken Art of 5th DecemberArchangel Gabriel [EX] by MarioWibisono Art of 6th DecemberTHOUGHTS by Cestica Art of 7th DecemberChange by Naschi Art of

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25 Dec 2016
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List of Font Awesome content cheat sheet updated

Web Application Icons Address book fa-address-book “\f2b9”; Address book o fa-address-book-o “\f2ba”; Address card fa-address-card “\f2bb”; Address card o fa-address-card-o “\f2bc”; Adjust fa-adjust “\f042”; American sign language interpreting fa-american-sign-language-interpreting “\f2a3”; Anchor fa-anchor “\f13d”; Archive fa-archive “\f187”; Area chart fa-area-chart “\f1fe”; Arrows fa-arrows “\f047”; Arrows h fa-arrows-h “\f07e”; Arrows v fa-arrows-v

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23 Dec 2016
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how to get category from url in wordpress

I was development a section a in my #wordpress theme I need the current category from url, here is I figure out how to get category from url

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1 Dec 2016
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Art of 1st NovemberThe Cat and the Coyote by TamberElla Art of 2nd NovemberClose to the Sun by Aenami Art of 3rd NovemberThe haunted festival by DominiquevVelsen Art of 4th NovemberMetamorphosis – Desktopography 2016 by stellartcorsica Art of 5th NovemberCommission: Kanoay by Myme1 Art of 6th NovemberShadow Warrior 2 :

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29 Nov 2016
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Interview with Digital Manipulator Gwyneth Ellis-Arslan

My name is Gwyneth Ellis-Arslan My art name is Pendragon Arts but also, in the past have worked under my name, Gwyneth AE. -About yourself I was born in Freeport, Bahamas. My father was English and Welsh, my mother was American of English, Scottish, Irish and Native American decent. My

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16 Nov 2016
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The #wordpress concatenating […] in #the_excerpt and sometimes with [&hellip]; I here function defined as trim_excerpt and it passed in add_filter you can copy and put the following code in functions.php file of your current active theme. little bit information about add_filter function #add_filter can change modify of the data, you can customize everything which is

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2 Nov 2016
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Interview with Digital Artist Kim Lennard – kimsol

My name is Kim Lennard In the art community I go by the name of kimsol. I am Australian, born and living on the east coast not far from Newcastle and its fantastic lifestyle and beaches. How you come in painting/art field I have always been interested in art from

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