It is very important to create a unique identity. Your identity is what helps people identify you in the midst of the crowd. The reason you work on your attitude, behavior and personality is to ensure it is the best for you, people around you and it helps people identify
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Closer by ArthurHenriArt of 1st April 2019… Auburn by akramnessArt of 2nd April 2019… Happy New Year, kids! by FlerPainterArt of 3rd April 2019… Zhmyx-Nur-Wam by AntonKurbatovArt of 4th April 2019… Rahab, Keeper of the Faith by PeteMohrbacherArt of 5th April 2019… Taste of Tranquility by LhuinArt of 6th April
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Default windows’s notepad is not good enough for undo and redo history, so everyone use another notepad editor like notepad++ because I am using it and its very lite and useful for quick file editing. Here is simple step to change Xampp’s file editor. Open your Xampp Control Panel and
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The default Laravel Application is intended to provide a great starting point for both large and small applications, and also for ecommerce development, for ecommerce development company and has become the go-to framework for people all over the world. It has robust technical capabilities, and is a leader on the
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The seven deadly sins PRIDE by AquaSixioArt of 1st March 2019… Dreaming in colors by EllysiumnArt of 2nd March 2019… Safe in the storm by kevron2001Art of 3rd March 2019… Fearless by MoodyBlueArt of 4th March 2019… Zhmyx-Nur-Wam by AntonKurbatovArt of 5th March 2019… Swimming with whales by ELK64Art of
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I’ve wrote add_subdomain_in_url function and it will help you in easily add sub domain in url by passing in parameters and look output result. [php] function add_subdomain_in_url($url,$subdomain){ $www_pos = strpos($url,’www.’); $non_www_pos = strpos($url,’://’); if($www_pos!==false){ return substr($url,0, $www_pos+4).$subdomain.’.’.substr($url,$www_pos+4); } else if($non_www_pos!==false){ return substr($url,0, $non_www_pos+3).$subdomain.’.’.substr($url,$non_www_pos+3); } else { return $subdomain.’.’.$url; } }
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New version 7.2 of PHP is little bit restrict for calling functions and passing parameters, now count() function will only count variable and it will thrown an error when parameter is not array. Here is quick fix I have create my own function for counting array or object and it
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Before adding your custom functions helper or library to project. Laravel have set most of useful function in helper. Read Laravel’s pre-defined functions in helper So let’s start to add custom function library or helper to your project. Create directory helpers in “LaravelProject\app\Http” Create function helper file “func_helper.php” in
WordPress a Content Management System (CMS). It is commonly associated with the idea of a blog service, but it is actually much more than that! This platform makes it possible to build robust and fully functional web sites, and to reach almost any level of complexity. The security of a
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When people talk about PHP, they can’t help but mention the W3Tech statistics. PHP is popular and is known to be used by 78.9% of all the websites worldwide. To this day, the use PHP tends to be slowly deteriorating when it’s compared to its 85% usage globally just 2
laravel remove public from url
This is weird thing from #laravel on fresh installation, so…
Pakistani Web Designer’s Web Designing…
Web Design Illustrations - by Design-Maker…
[php]function measure_conversation($value = null, $measurein = null, $returnin = 'px',…
28 Android IOS Mobile Application Frameworks
jQuery Mobile Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework Mobile…
20 jQuery HTML5 Video Player for Website
Video.js The Player Framework MediaElement.js - HTML5 video player Create…