3 Nov 2014
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File extension validation on upload will harmful for server

Please do not validate file extension on uploading file from user Hackers are created a fake jpg image with no preview and they add code encode on base64 or  gzinflate on picture source when you will open that image on notepad editor you will see code like if you just

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19 Oct 2014
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In some where we need only thumbnail source link the function the_post_thumbnail cannot return  thumbnail source link, we ca two ways to get thumbnail src. 1. wp_get_attachment_thumb_url 2. get_attachment_src

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18 Sep 2014
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Create wordpress password for your theme function or plugins

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15 Sep 2014
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PhpStorm — PHP IDE that evolves with you   The editor that actually ‘gets’ your code and deeply understands its structure, supporting PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 & 5.6 for modern Hundreds of inspections take care of verifying your code as you type, analyzing the whole project. PHPDoc support, code (re)arranger,

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15 Sep 2014
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Page template system is awesome feature, this featured in wordpress to create your own template like single column data template, double column data template to show pages data as you want to in template, . Develop template name in php files for custom #cms, I am just showing in quick method

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13 Sep 2014
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CI Codeigniter Fatal error: Call to a member function userdata() on a non-object Codeigniter provides in helper to defined $CI and used in functions helper, in some versions of codeigniter it cannot load on defined function in functions helper, in older versions it we just load in variable called $CI

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13 Sep 2014
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There no any function available in php to detect string, this technique is used when user type login name with CAPITAL CASE, CameL caSe or Title case, web developer also prevent these type cases of string for user account loginanme because they assigned unique column of username in database, I wanted to use

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6 Jul 2014
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Create custom jquery slider with progress

This custom slider tutorial tell you how to create slider with your own logic, without using any slider plugin SLIDER HTML   SLIDER CSS STYLES  Add jquery document ready event and define some variables like slider animation time and slide change time in seconds Define function run_progress for initialize progress of

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5 Jul 2014
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In normally we cannot trigger with events of javascript keyup, keydown, keypress, when user typing done, I am also faced that challenge on a project where I am doing job of programmer, so I want to share that technique how to call your function when user done typing, I have created

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5 Jul 2014
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