11 Apr 2014
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Some of designer when they slice layout they create form submit button with a anchor tag and href=”hashtag” and then users cannot able to submit form when they press enter in form fields, I have wrote little code to submit even from don’t have a input type submit button, and

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11 Apr 2014
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We always avoid to use in-line #css in elements and now also avoid to use in-line #javascript events like onclick=”window.location=’http://www.sdtuts.com’;” on elements, and you most need to make element, div redirectable, and maybe we cannot add all of elements in under of #anchor #tag example then I have wrote a

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6 Apr 2014
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in #MySQL cannot do it with any compression operator to check case sensitive value in column, so first convert your value into hash and compare with column value see code example how to do it. Here is example of table case_sensitive_col_id case_sensitive_col_val 1 SDTUTS.com 2 SDTuts.com 3 Sdtuts.com Using SHA1

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2 Apr 2014
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Protect your wordpress wpadmin panel

users can easily access or hacker’s programmed bots will send login request to your yoursite.com/wp-login page, but #wordpress have a good security with admin login panel, I have a wrote little code using #wordpress #hooks to prevent from other all users from your site wordpress wp admin login page. Prevent

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11 Mar 2014
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Keycodes in javascript

I have defined variables of keycodes from laptop keyboard, copy codes and use in your code line, and defined for developer and designer to easily use  who don’t want to know the keyCode. Minified variables First define variables Example how to use

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11 Mar 2014
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Define array to for shuffle keys Define array indexes to get random keys in while loop Assign array keys in random order, they will be shuffled in while loop and Print Array to see shuffled array key result This complete code of function

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11 Mar 2014
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10 Mar 2014
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Develop code testing system on your localhost

Its hard to test your small code or function on files, because these serve our time to open files and write code save with die or exit in the file and then go to browser for testing, or we go to online php testing tools, but online php testing tools

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10 Mar 2014
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Sometimes we want call a function if user pressed two keys together at the same time. Like Shift+Enter, CTRL+S  more others, I wrote a little code how to call a function if user pressed two keys. copy keys name from another post to use easily with key names

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10 Mar 2014
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1.Remove duplicate values from array – ARRAY_UNIQUE Result 2.Re-order with random values from array-SHUFFLE Result 3.Remove null values from array-ARRAY_FILTER Result 4.Ascending order array values-SORT Result 5.Descending order array values-ARSORT Result 6.Ascending order array keys Result 7.Descending order array keys Result 8.Replace text string from array with STR_REPLACE Result 8.Change

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