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85 searched posts found
ng2-admin panel SB Admin Angular 4 BS4 CoreUI – Free Bootstrap Admin Template Light Bootstrap Dashboard Angular2 by Creative Tim Blur Admin Dashboard/Web App based on Angular JS Material Design Lite ngAdmin angular-dashboard Angular Bootstrap Dashboard by Ranjithprabhu bonita-angular-dashboard Angular UI Dashboard Fuse – Admin Theme Angular Material Dashboard RDash
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1. (GitHub-Flavored) Markdown Editor 2. Dillinger Markdown Editor 3. StackEdit Markdown Editor 4. SimpleMDE Markdown Editor 5. MarkdownPad 6. Markdown Editor by Mads Kristensen 7. MacDown: The open source Markdown editor for macOS 8. Markdown Editor Example – Vue.js 9. Markdown?Editing by SublimeText-Markdown 10. Mou Markdown editor for developers
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1. non jQuery Slider, pure CSS image slider 2. Pure CSS3 slider by aladin ben sassi 3. Juizy slideshow Full CSS3/HTML5 slideshow 4. CSScience – CSS3 Responsive Slider / Carousel Using Radio Buttons 5. Pure CSS Featured Image Slider by Joshua Hibbert 6. CSS Image Slider Tutorial – Without Javascript
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1. Font Awesome, the iconic font and CSS toolkit 2. Sharp and clean symbols – 3. Linearicons 4. Elusive Icons 5. ZURB Foundation Icon Fonts 3 6. Pictorial Communcation Language – PICOL Icons 7. ionicons 8. Metrize Icons 9. IconMoon – Icon Fonts.png 10. MFG Labs icon set 11.
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Most this error occurred when you forget to add csrf_token field in form tag and in #laravel 5+ csrf_token field will be automatically when you call Form::open call following code for .blade template [php] {!! Form::hidden(‘_token’, csrf_token()) !!} [/php] call following code for non .blade template. [html] <input type="hidden" value="{{csrf_token()}}"
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Web Application Icons Address book fa-address-book “\f2b9”; Address book o fa-address-book-o “\f2ba”; Address card fa-address-card “\f2bb”; Address card o fa-address-card-o “\f2bc”; Adjust fa-adjust “\f042”; American sign language interpreting fa-american-sign-language-interpreting “\f2a3”; Anchor fa-anchor “\f13d”; Archive fa-archive “\f187”; Area chart fa-area-chart “\f1fe”; Arrows fa-arrows “\f047”; Arrows h fa-arrows-h “\f07e”; Arrows v fa-arrows-v
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the_category(); function is not allowing to direct change tags and attributes, get_the_category(); function return categories of posts in array so we can modify with custom html tags and attributes check out the below example code, its used in under loop of #the_loop. [php] //Get categories $the_postid; $categories = get_the_category($the_postid); if(is_array($categories)){
Post in 2. GenMyModel – The world’s largest model repository 3. Online Diagram SaaS Software – Gliffy 4. Cacoo – Discover an easier way to diagram online 5. creately – Diagram Examples Drawn Using Creately 6. – is an online multi-user, realtime collaboration flow charts service 7. rollApp – Dia
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By default header of table are moving on top position of table when we scrolling down, so that time we didn’t see the headings of table to identify column value, Here is I have wrote the whole code to set fixed table header in top position of table. Css of
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1. Owl Carousel – Lazy Load 2. Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery 3. Unveil.js A very lightweight plugin to lazy load images for jQuery or Zepto.js 4. WordPress Lazy Load Plugin 5. jQuery Lazy – jQuery.Lazy() 6. Be Lazy.js 7. antiblanks – jQuery LoadImages plugin prototype 8. colorify.js Lazy-reveal 9.
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laravel remove public from url
This is weird thing from #laravel on fresh installation, so…
Pakistani Web Designer’s Web Designing…
Web Design Illustrations - by Design-Maker…
[php]function measure_conversation($value = null, $measurein = null, $returnin = 'px',…
28 Android IOS Mobile Application Frameworks
jQuery Mobile Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework Mobile…
20 jQuery HTML5 Video Player for Website
Video.js The Player Framework MediaElement.js - HTML5 video player Create…