php how to get domain from url

26 Apr 2016 12:16 am

This code is rare used in #projects but I need it to generate email with domains for listings, in listings I have different types of complete url and domains I wrote this code to generate email address

function get_domain_from_url($url=''){
	if(strpos($url,'http://')===false && strpos($url,'https://')===false){
		$url = 'http://'.$url;
	$url = str_replace('www.','',$url);
	$parsed_url = parse_url($url);
		return $parsed_url['host'];
	} else {
		return false;

Here is some of results example of function

echo get_domain_from_url(''); //
echo get_domain_from_url(''); //
echo get_domain_from_url(''); //
echo get_domain_from_url(''); //
echo get_domain_from_url(''); //
echo get_domain_from_url(''); //

NOTE:Your Email Address will be not shown and please do not add spamming comments because here is REL="NOFOLLOW" on your links and comments also moderated shown.
<code>Put html css or any language code under this tag</code>

2 Comments on php how to get domain from url
  • This can also be achieved through a one liner code:

    echo strtolower( parse_url( $string , PHP_URL_HOST ) );

    • Please keep posting unique things, do not copy function name or any text from other sites for your website.
      function get_domain_from_url( $string )
      return strtolower( parse_url( $string , PHP_URL_HOST ) );
      I call your one liner code and got the following result.
      echo get_domain_from_url(‘’); // //WORKING
      echo get_domain_from_url(‘’); // //WORKING
      echo get_domain_from_url(‘’); // //ITS RETURN WWW.
      echo get_domain_from_url(‘’); // RETURN NOTHING
      echo get_domain_from_url(‘’); // //RETURN WITH WWW.
      echo get_domain_from_url(‘’); // //RETURN WITH WWW.
      echo get_domain_from_url(‘’); // //WORKING.