PHP print triangle diamond

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11 Aug 2016 1:19 am

This is easy and too much loop less code to write diamond and triangle shapes

Following code is diamond with the technique of css inline styles

echo ‘<p style="text-align:center;font-family: Verdana;line-height: 5px;">’;
echo str_repeat(‘*’,$I);
echo ‘<br />’;

echo str_repeat(‘*’,$D);
echo ‘<br />’;

echo ‘</p>’;

Result of diamond code


Following code is normal triangle with the technique of css inline styles

echo ‘<p style="text-align:left;font-family: Verdana;line-height: 5px;">’;
echo str_repeat(‘*’,$I);
echo ‘<br />’;

echo str_repeat(‘*’,$D);
echo ‘<br />’;

echo ‘</p>’;

Result of triangle code


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<code>Put html css or any language code under this tag</code>