Upgrade php version in xampp from 5.4 to 5.6

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22 Feb 2018 12:18 am

I have got issue of php version when I using #composer to install #laravel, composer says “Your php version 5.2 is out dated”. Its not difficult to update version of php and xampp.

Download the latest version of xampp with latest build of #PHP version from https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html   after the downloading install it to your desire directory I always choose D: driver and install if with new name like newxampp if already old xampp exists in same directory.

copy htdocs project to new installed new xampp's htdocs

copy htdocs project to new installed new xampp’s htdocs

Copy data folder from \xamppold\mysql\ and paste into newxampp\mysql\

copy mysql data folder to new xamp mysql folder

copy mysql data folder to new xamp mysql folder


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