This is default simple documentation of #laravel to send mail but problems is that this is static mail passed in parameter to(‘’) [php] Mail::send(’emailtemplate_view’, [‘data’ => ‘for_emailtemplate_view’], function($message){ $message->to(‘’, ‘SDTuts’)->subject(‘Welcome!’); }); [/php] We also need to pass the dynamic email, for example we used it for user registration steps to
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This is big storage problem in computer, mobiles and all other devices, heavy and camera images consumed too many storage and website will become heavy if heavy images used on websites I also use my php code to lose images weight without losing dimension and quality of image Here is
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1. Mailchimp 2. Mailjet 3. Mailgun 4.Compaign Monitor 5.Sendgrid 6.Marketo 7.AuthSMTP 8.SMTP Mail Delivered 9.Easy SMTP 10.SMTP2GO 11.MySendMail 12. mailtrap 13.SPARK POST BY MESSAGE
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Google Page Speed Google page speed extension used to analyse web pages and page’s media too. This extension tells page speed and suggestions to make web page fast load and light weight this extension also work for local pages from computer or localhost, Currently this extension deprecated by online version
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I developed my custom code to get difference between two dates, code is different from #php date_diff because my code calculate the total number of seconds, minutes, days, months and years. Its best way to define this code in function to use any where of project where you want it,
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#wordpress provide a good page template feature show page layout in different layouts like single-column, double-column, full-page, or custom-template. default template is page.php for page, so you want to show contact form or different layout from other page. To define your layout go to /wp-content/themes/theme_folder/ create file with php extension,
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There is different way to access array and object many developers are use array instead object, if any a data get object and need to convert from object to array. Some are may be prefer to use object instead array, here is code example to quickly convert your large amount
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By default #wordpress get_search_form function return default html of search form, you want to change or modify search form html here is example to replace whole search form. In below code we used #wordpress hook to modify search form html. [php] function sd_search_form($form){ $form = ‘<form class="search_form" role="search" method="get" id="searchform"
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These patterns was defined by me when I was design different web layout for my practice, I share these all patterns for web designer to use them in commercial or non commercial web designing layouts, download link of all patterns available at the bottom of page, Sorry I won’t attach
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Please do not validate file extension on uploading file from user [php] $_FILE[‘file_name’]; $ext = pathinfo($_FILE[‘file_name’],PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $allow_ext=array(‘jpg’,’jpeg’,’png’,’gif’); if(in_array($ext,$allow_ext)){ //DO UPLOAD CODE } [/php] Hackers are created a fake jpg image with no preview and they add code encode on base64 or gzinflate on picture source when you will open that
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laravel remove public from url
This is weird thing from #laravel on fresh installation, so…
Pakistani Web Designer’s Web Designing…
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[php]function measure_conversation($value = null, $measurein = null, $returnin = 'px',…
28 Android IOS Mobile Application Frameworks
jQuery Mobile Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework Mobile…
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Video.js The Player Framework MediaElement.js - HTML5 video player Create…