WordPress get post by slug

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18 Mar 2018 1:09 am

WordPress giving great features in get_posts function with arguments that function also having great customization. get_posts function also give us great result of posts with our complex requirements, so through that function we will get post by post’s url-slug-key. Check out following function I have created to used it easily and post_type is required I have used it for my custom post type “services” you must have to pass it otherwise get_posts don’t return null.

function get_posts_by_urlslug($the_slug){
    $args = array(
        'name'           => $the_slug,
        'post_type'      => 'services',
        'post_status'    => 'publish',
        'posts_per_page' => 1
    return get_posts( $args );

echo '<pre>';print_r(get_posts_by_urlslug('laravel-generate-online-password'));echo '</pre>';

Here is example of the called function

    [0] => WP_Post Object
            [ID] => 9364
            [post_author] => 
            [post_date] => 2018-02-25 20:25:19
            [post_date_gmt] => 2018-02-25 15:25:19
            [post_content] => 
            [post_title] => Laravel generate online password
            [post_excerpt] => 
            [post_status] => publish
            [comment_status] => open
            [ping_status] => closed
            [post_password] => 
            [post_name] => laravel-generate-online-password
            [to_ping] => 
            [pinged] => 
            [post_modified] => 2018-02-28 00:32:28
            [post_modified_gmt] => 2018-02-27 19:32:28
            [post_content_filtered] => 
            [post_parent] => 0
            [guid] => http://sdtuts.com/?post_type=services&p=9364
            [menu_order] => 0
            [post_type] => services
            [post_mime_type] => 
            [comment_count] => 0
            [filter] => raw


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