26 posts found
I was working on my site featuring posts for dynamic data which I can get from csv and show listing in Ordinal number format then I think it should be a define function to dynamically set ordinal number format. Here is function I have defined and posted here. In function
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PHP Server Side Form Validation is highly recommended and unbreakable from browser like front-side JavaScript validation easily crack from browser, and JavaScript form validation is user friendly and JavaScript validation can save user time and even user don’t need to fill again and again form fields if fails from php
If hacker needs to get your absolute path they easily can go to any core file by direct access like showed in below, DIRECT ACCESS ANY CORE FILE OF LARAVEL domain.com/app/controllers/HomeController.php laravel-APP-Path/tests/TestCase.php Fatal Error: Class ‘Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Testcase’ not found in laravel-APP-Path/tests/TestCase.php on line 3 DIRECT ACCESS LARAVEL HOME CONTROLLER domainname.com/laravel-APP-Path/controllers/HomeController.php Fatal Error:
PHP 5.5 and in older version constants cannot store directly array In this matter we are allowing to upload limited file’s extensions and this is not good codding practice to defined allowed extensions and check every file on uploading code because we needs to store allowed extensions in a single
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I got issue lost data from new $variable of array_merged because array_merge function cannot merged if any passed parameter type not array, for example I merged two array for email template, the first array from $_POST and second array from Database but $user_data will be null If user’s not found from
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Why Upgrade to the new wordpress? Its recommended to upgrade the wordpress newly version when you see notification on top bar of admin panel, Because in new version have fixed many of bugs and issues fixes of layout, panel UI, editor and introduce new features and API functions. Why
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Sometimes laravel set the new or update session in ajax requestion even you can print it like Session::all(); it will print the updated session but cannot update the session on fresh page, for eg. if a user update his information like display name picture or other information through ajax. In
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Before releasing of responsive media queries features in #css we develop two different websites version for a single website one is for mobile and second for desktop browsers, but after media we can easily change #css properties to change height widths of elements and DIV Tables, Here is list of
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In action url of methods we just only allow user to submit ajax request on specified url or doing another stuff, Here is I am share examples of check ajax request on custom #PHP #CodeIgniter #Laravel. Check ajax request in core PHP Here is how to check and its best way
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Now we don’t need to check response web layout in mobile and tablet devices, Because Google chrome’s developer tools provide this feature to check layout but In case we need to open localhost from pc to smart phone browser for checking other things except responsive layout. Here is some steps.
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laravel remove public from url
This is weird thing from #laravel on fresh installation, so…
Pakistani Web Designer’s Web Designing…
Web Design Illustrations - IdealHut.com by Design-Maker…
[php]function measure_conversation($value = null, $measurein = null, $returnin = 'px',…
28 Android IOS Mobile Application Frameworks
jQuery Mobile Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework Mobile…
20 jQuery HTML5 Video Player for Website
Video.js The Player Framework MediaElement.js - HTML5 video player Create…