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By default Each of project located in www htdocs folder directory are accessed by http://localhost/projectname so we want to change it http://projectname.local or whatever local domain you want, I have my site project http://localhost/sdtuts and I want to access it as http://sdtuts.local/. Open apache httpd-vhosts.conf Go you installed xampp_directory/apache\conf\extra\ open file httpd-vhosts.conf make it empty and add following
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You cannot create zip file with password in php unless update php version from older to new atleast php 7.2. The following is best solution to create zipfile with password through 7zip or any other exe file with #cli command. Create zip file with password in command line interface (CLI).
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laravel remove public from url
This is weird thing from #laravel on fresh installation, so…
Pakistani Web Designer’s Web Designing…
Web Design Illustrations - by Design-Maker…
[php]function measure_conversation($value = null, $measurein = null, $returnin = 'px',…
28 Android IOS Mobile Application Frameworks
jQuery Mobile Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework Mobile…
20 jQuery HTML5 Video Player for Website
Video.js The Player Framework MediaElement.js - HTML5 video player Create…